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Raives - Livres et biographie

Guy Servais, better known as "Raives," got his start as an artist in Liège (Belgium), at the fine arts academy. And it was there that he would meet Eric Warnauts, with whom he would go on to form a durable and prolific duo. Over the course of their numerous collaborations, the two friends and partners developed a fine-tuned creative process that many authors would envy. Warnauts took care of the script, and Raives the colors, and in-between, they worked together to bring their books' pages to brilliant life. They soon began to contribute to the comics monthly "À suivre" and went on to create a number of impressive graphic novels for publisher Casterman, set in various periods and places around the world, from Belgium to America and the Antilles. Their recent work includes "Sous les paves" (Le Lombard), and the thriller "Purple Heart" (Le Lombard; Europe Comics in English).

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